Todoist widget mac
Todoist widget mac

And I like to be able to add a new task by clicking on that area where I glance at instead of remembering a shortcut. I like to see my due task count at a glance. Todoist Menu Bar Screenshot 5.png 1440×900 1.76 MB If you were also able to click on the app in the menu bar and have a very lightweight list showing your current / overdue items that would be even more helpful for when you don’t want to have to load up OmniFocus in it’s entirety.įrom what I can see on these forums, there previously was a menu bar option integrated but was removed? No different than my emails - I have them setup in my menu bar where I can always see how many new emails I have without having to swipe or click anything. Often I’d like to permanently see how many items are due / overdue without having to click on my notification centre or swing down to my hidden dock. I love how you can setup OmniFocus in so many different ways but would love some extra accesibility options within the menu bar. Essentially the same functionality as the OmniFocus quick add action shortcut, but they gave you the flexibility of being able to use both the shortcut key option and the menu bar. Previously I used Wunderlist which was certainly not substantial enough for my needs, but eventually incorporated a very light weight menu bar - it simply allowed you click on the icon and immediately a new task would pop up and you were good to go.

todoist widget mac todoist widget mac

I understand the sentiments expressed here by others, but I think it’s important to recognise that many apps at least give users the option of utilising the menu bar so it can please both parties.

Todoist widget mac