Shutdown windows 7
Shutdown windows 7

shutdown windows 7

I use the Windows 7 upgrade so I have to install Windows XP first, get it to the point that it's authenticated, and then I can install the Windows 7 upgrade (yeah, it's kind of a pain). I recently added a second GTX 780 SC to my rig for an SLI setup as well as a new 250GB SSD and a 4TB HDD. That being said, here's what I've been working on since I started everything so hopefully this may shed some light on the issue for everyone: If nothing else, it's a bit annoying to see every time I shut my computer down. If I do need to reinstall Windows or something, I'd like to get that part done sooner than later. I'm mostly just concerned that this is pointing to some underlying issue with my setup that may or may not show itself at a later point. Mind you, this prompt only stays open for several seconds and does not prevent windows from closing. The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). I went through a complicated ordeal to finally get things set up the way I wanted and things seem to be working correctly now, but for some reason every time I go to shut down my computer, a few seconds before Windows 7 actually closes down, I recieve the following error prompt:

shutdown windows 7

I recently wiped my rig after installing two new hard drives and a second GPU.

shutdown windows 7

I have a question that I'm hoping somebody might be able to help me with.

Shutdown windows 7