How to decompress exe file mac
How to decompress exe file mac

how to decompress exe file mac

You can’t create a self-extracting archive in Windows and expect it to work in Linux. While you can create self-extracting archive in Windows and Linux, the created archive is not cross-platform compatible. Finally, type wine fileName.exe to run the program you want.Īlso read – Akruti 7.1. If you are looking for an exe file, you will have to type Is again in the program’s directory.Ģ2. When the program’s directory has a space you will have to type \ before the space.Ģ1. To see the list of all your installed programs type “ Is.” You can type “ cd programme” to open a program’s directory.

how to decompress exe file mac

Type cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ to enter into the Program Files directory where all the Wine programs are installed to.Ģ0. If you have used an exe file to install programs on OS X, you will need Wine to run them.ġ9.

how to decompress exe file mac

Now to run the exe file, enter enter the following code: wine fileName.exeġ8. After the installation, you will be sent back directly to Terminal input: sudo port install wineġ6. Run the following command: sudo xcodebuild -licenseĪfter that Close and reopen the terminal window.ġ3. You have to agree to the export license by entering the command to move forward.ġ1. Again paste the following command if then echo “+universal” | sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/nf else echo “n/a” fiġ0. In the Terminal window copy the following command: PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:\$PATH$’\n’export MANPATH=/opt/local/man:\$MANPATH | sudo tee -a /etc/profile and paste it and press Return: echo export.ĩ. Open the terminal to adjust the settings of MacPorts.ħ. Next to “ Command Line Tools” you will see an install button, click on that.Ħ.

How to decompress exe file mac