Flat earth conspiracy theories
Flat earth conspiracy theories

flat earth conspiracy theories

Presenting her results at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington DC, Landrum said that most were recommended videos after watching clips about other conspiracies, such as alternative 9/11 theories and fake moon landing theories. But now the scope of the problem has really come to light, as new research suggests that the increasing number of Flat Earthers can be attributed to conspiracy videos hosted on the site.Īccording to Asheley Landrum, assistant professor of science communication at Texas Tech University, all but one of 30 Flat Earthers interviewed said they hadn't considered the Earth to be flat until watching videos promoting the theory on YouTube.

flat earth conspiracy theories flat earth conspiracy theories

Despite steps taken to counteract problematic material YouTube is still a hotbed of hoaxes and fake news - a problem that's become so prevalent the site recently announced it is changing its AI in a bid to improve matters.

Flat earth conspiracy theories